Wired Orthodontics | Wired Orthodontics

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Which Foods Can I Eat with Invisalign

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The famous phrase, “You are what you eat,” is very true when it comes to nutrition. The phrase, unfortunately, never considered Invisalign. Indeed, this high-tech and minimally invasive procedure does have rules on when, how, and what you should do to keep the treatment on track. Perhaps the most common question is “Can I eat what I want with Invisalign?” The short answer is no. The long answer, according to Wired Orthodontics, is more complicated. So what foods can you eat with Invisalign? Invisalign… Read more

Getting The Best Invisalign Treatment In Toronto

To ensure you get the best invisalign treatment, it is extremely important to take all the necessary steps in order to keep your teeth clean and make your orthodontic treatment effective. If you live or work in Toronto, Here are some of Dr. Nalbandian’s tips from Wired Orthodontics tips on how to maximize your Invisalign treatment. 1. Wear your Invisalign for 22 hours a day. Dr. Nalbandian recommends that Invisalign is worn 22 hours each day in order for it to be effective and successfully shift… Read more

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