Can Invisalign Widen My Smile?

Can Invisalign® Widen My Smile?

invisalign widen smile


“Can Invisalign® widen my smile?” We hear that question a lot here at Wired Orthodontics. There’s no such thing as a silly question in orthodontics. While we field no small number of questions specifically related to oral health, we’re also seeing a fair amount of patients asking about cosmetic treatment. That includes breakthrough treatments like Invisalign®, particularly in Toronto and Scarborough. 

While treatment can certainly give you both your smile and your confidence back, can Invisalign® actually widen your smile? The short answer is yes. But perhaps a better answer is that it all depends on your particular case.

How Invisalign® Treats Misaligned Teeth

Much like traditional metal and ceramic braces, Invisalign® is specifically designed to correct and adjust your teeth to their proper condition. However, unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® corrections consist of a series of thin, clear and removable aligners which are changed approximately every two weeks during the course of treatment.

Tooth misalignment isn’t exclusive to adolescents and teenagers. A 2009 study from the Canadian Dental Association estimated that almost 25 percent of Canadians had experienced some degree of malocclusion, or imperfect positioning of teeth. That same study reported that some 21 percent of those respondents were dissatisfied with the results of their former orthodontic treatment. Invisalign® treatment fixes misaligned teeth in both adults and teens by gradually shifting your teeth in stages, comfortably and effectively, until they reach the optimal position recommended by your orthodontist.

But the process of fixing misaligned teeth isn’t for aesthetic reasons alone. It can be critical to your oral health. If left untreated, some severe cases of malocclusions can result in speech abnormalities, difficulty breathing and food intake. Fortunately, not every malocclusion is that difficult. If your orthodontist recommends Invisalign® for your particular case, you just might find it to be a perfect alternative to braces—one that can give you back your confidence as well as promote optimal tooth development.

Can Invisalign® Fix a Narrow Smile?

A narrow smile isn’t always the result of misaligned teeth. It can be the result of a narrow maxillary arch, which occurs when the upper jaw and palate are tapered significantly. In severe cases of narrow maxillary arches, surgery may be required for adults, while children under 16 have more malleable jawbones which can be treated by palate expanders. Invisalign® may be recommended by an orthodontist as a post-surgical measure; however, treatment does not reshape the jaw or palate itself.

Thankfully, narrow smiles are more common than conditions which require a surgical procedure. They’re rarely the result of an existing abnormality. It can be the result of a minor misalignment with your teeth or even your heredity. The best way to tell if you have one is by simply counting the number of teeth which are shown when you smile naturally. If six or less of your front teeth show, it’s generally a sign of a narrow smile. 

Your maxillary arch can also narrow with age. Teeth can turn slightly inward, resulting in the expansion of your buccal corridors (the spaces between your teeth and cheeks at the corner of your mouth.) The result can be the appearance of premature aging, since neither your cheeks nor lips will receive the firm support they would from a well-aligned smile.

Many patients elect to use some form of cosmetic treatment to fix a narrow smile. And Invisalign® is just one such treatment. 

Can Invisalign® Widen My Smile?

If your upper maxillary arch is aligned with your lower jaw and you simply need to fix any misalignment of your teeth, you might find that Invisalign® can be an effective way of giving you a much broader smile. And if you have elected to undergo surgery, there may be a chance your orthodontist will recommend treatment at some point after your recuperation.

But Invisalign® treatment doesn’t actually widen your teeth. Instead, Invisalign® shifts your teeth into place to give you the appearance of a wider smile. It’s a critical distinction. Even the slightest shift of your teeth by a few millimeters can make a noticeable impact on your smile. It won’t replace the need for surgery. And pronounced cases of crowding and malocclusions may be better served by traditional braces, which provide more pressure for an extended period of time. But for mild to moderate crookedness, gaps and crowding, Invisalign® can be much more suitable and effective.

Your orthodontist will take careful consideration of both the medical necessity of treatment as well as your own personal aesthetic ideal. They’ll show you both before and after results of Invisalign® so you can see the difference for yourself. It’s not for everyone. But with over 10 million satisfied smiles, Invisalign® can make as much an impact on your self confidence as your appearance—sometimes in a matter of weeks.

Why Choose Invisalign® to Fix Your Smile?

  • You may not need braces, and simply want to improve minor bites and misalignments using a convenient treatment that suits your lifestyle.
  • Invisalign® is a clear, durable and state-of-the-art alternative to traditional braces, using a series of medical grade aligners to shift your teeth into their proper position.
  • Invisalign® is practically invisible. Aligners are removable, allowing you to eat, drink and clean your teeth without interfering with your day-to-day activities.
  • Orthodontist visits are less intensive with Invisalign®. While braces need routine check ups and maintenance, Invisalign® aligners are only changed every two to four weeks.
  • Invisalign® treatment can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth—sometimes in as little as six months.

For more information, visit the official Invisalign® website.


Wired Orthodontics proudly offers Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen® treatments for patients in Scarborough and the greater Toronto area, including North York, and Markham. Contact us today for a free consultation. Just call (647) 344-9473 or (647) 344-WIRE to see the difference Invisalign® can make in your life.


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